DIAL Up Service

IHOT dial up Internet access service 

Reliable Connections 

Unlimited Internet Access 

500MB of Email Storage with a @ihot.com e-mail address

Full POP3 as well as Web Mail access

This premium 56K v.92 Internet access service gives you unlimited dial-up service. Thousands of dial-up numbers nationwide. You can connect you to our high-quality network with no special software, Just easy to follow instructions (click here and you can print them out) See our video instructions on setting up dial up by clicking here.

Internet Hotline Dial Up Pricing

IHOT dial up Internet access with four simple terms of service 

Each account is allow unlimited dial up access

Each account will be given one IHOT.COM e-mail account with a limit of 500MB of disk space for mail storage.

$20.00 Monthly

$55.00 Quarterly

$100.00 Semi Annual

$180.00 Annual 

To sign up for our Dial up Access call our sale office at 408-881-1000.

Term of Service and agreement


Additional phone charges and usage restrictions may apply

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